Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Putting on the power suit for the new year! I hope that everyone has a positive and productive 2011. Let's all work together as a community of artists and friends to make this a thoughtful and uplifting year, for ourselves, our families, our friends and the little parts of the world in which we live!!!
Bring it on 2011!

(Note: I've been reading Richard Scarry books to my daughter recently, so you can obviously see his amazing influence on this sketch)


  1. I concur!

    The Scarry-esque drawing is spectacular (man, those are awesome books!).

    Is his resemblance to Sher Kanh from "Tail Spin" intentional?

  2. Muito legal a ilustração, meu amigo!
    Desejo muita paz, saúde e prosperidade para você e família. Feliz 2011!

    Abraço cordial, Emerson fialho.

  3. Very charming. Great drawing.

    Ken D.

  4. a hap hap happy new year to you as wel my friend! best wishes to you and yours

  5. nice dude and all the best for 2011 :D

  6. Ah yes. The Richard Scarry books were a fixture around our house for many years. Very nice piece you've done here.

  7. thanks buddy. i agree with ur comment. awesome work as always. keep it up bro.

  8. hello Rawls!be blessed with the tiger strength this year!

  9. Fantastic!

    We just got the Biggest Word Book Ever for my son (not really for him)--it's a whopping 2 feet tall.


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