Monday, June 30, 2008

Much thanks to everyone for all the great comments all the time. You guys rock!!
These sketches are from an upcoming music video by one of my best friends, Meaghan Smith. This will be her second album, the first was more of an indipendent thing, but she was picked up by Warner and this second album is bound to make some noise for her. videos and all.
DJ Kid Koala even adds a little somethin on the album. So cool!!
There's even talk of merchandise which I would love to also help out in. I'll keep you posted on the progress, and make sure you buy the album when it comes out and watch for the video...both come out sometime in September!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hey gang... Just a quick warm up sketch before starting another long day at work today! I think I need to keep this up as a daily thing. Keeps the creative mind fresh and warmed up... Like one of those nice feeling morning know you love that feeling.

Also, Gobelins has the new films up for viewing on their site. Check em.

Also also, Bobby & Kei's new book 'WaterWorlds' is finally available for purchase! Get em while they're hot! I got mine in the mail yesterday... and maaan, what a creative visual feast! Get yer copy HERE.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm SOOO super sorry for the lack of posts lately! I get so frustrated sometimes when I can't post new stuff often enough. I've been working like a mule for the past week and will be into the coming weeks.

I'm currently doing some simple designs, concepts and animation for a music video of a good friend of mine, Meaghan Smith. Check her out, her music is great. It's for her new album. It's not too much work, but its just finding the time to do it. It's really fun though. I'll make sure to post the art and anim when its finished.
And at work, I'm workin a lot of overtime tryin to get this MLB pitch done. I'll post my concepts and hopefully the accepted final when its done as well.

For now, here are some pages from my sketchbook ... sketches from riding the train, which I meant to post for a while now, but just didn't have the time to scan em all. My favorite sketch is of Dr. Doom rapping in a super villain band.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


All I can say, is...AWESOMENESS!!! If you havn`t seen it...GO NOW. Such a great movie. Beautiful in every aspect! The write up on Dan`s blog says it quite well.
And I would definetely recomend the art of book....amazingly inspiring stuff. The majority of the designs that really stand out are done by a fellow named Nicolas Marlet. Check out some little pics of his designs HERE.

Also, I was in say the least....of the opening animation and ending art! Fabulous.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The first two sketches are for work.... we're putting together a package for MLB. I'm not a fan of the sport (zzzzzz), but the project should be lots of fun!
The second pic is of Lettie... she worked with me here at Big for a bit (very talented artist)... and of course the last sketch is from her, of me (Yay Art trade!).
I was told I look like Tintin! Who knew!