Thursday, June 10, 2010

I thought it would be mildly amusing to have the GL corp or a ring, choose a fly as a ring bearer. I mean, come on, who really wants to be saved in the arms of someone who eats garbage and poop?! "Thanks for saving me... but, uh... did you wash your hands first?"


  1. yeah, but their mouths are cleaner than ours!

    Oh, wait. That's dogs...

  2. I'm not sure if it was done on purpose, but I like the chest emblem being just white. Especially for a fly, since that's how they probably see lanterns.

  3. Arkon - I thought it was pigs?! no...Donkeys?

    haha, yea, that was a mistake! Thanks Munchanka! Fixed. :S

  4. It's dogs. Cool concept. How tall is he? I don't care what side he's on, a six foot fly could eat the poo in my pants, cuz that's what'd happen if he came anywhere near me.

  5. Sorry to break it to you (or more likely this will come as an awesome surprise) there already exists a fly/bug GL. Check it out...

    Also... his partner... is a planet =D

    Loved your Hulk stuff, loving this GL stuff. Keep bringing it!

  6. Adam - haha, I agree! Thanks man!
    BT - awesome surprise indeed my friend!! SO cool. Thank you so much for sharing that!

  7. Wouldn't want too many of those flies buzzing around ;p Great illo though ^_^

  8. celui ci est excellent une mouche fallait le faire


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